September 11, 2024
The Board and I thought we should reach out to our membership and thank them for your patience. It has been a long and arduous journey since UCT North America was launched. We anticipated some things and encountered many others that we did not consider. We initially undertook the legal ramifications to establish our new order but have run up against many other items that we needed to consider to make our transition from United Commercial Travelers of America to UCT North America.
Unfortunately, some of the other items included keeping members appraised and involved in what is going on. It was never the intention of the leadership of your order to leave the membership in the lurch, but that (much to our dismay) is what has happened over the past few months.
For that I personally apologize to each member.
Our IT group is working diligently behind the scenes to make sure all the information we were handed is properly recorded into our user system. We are close to getting there and sending out notices to all members who have an expired membership. Some of you may have already received an e-mailed notice and have renewed your membership (and we thank you immensely), others that we did not have a valid e-mail address will be receiving a notice in the mail regarding your dues. Keep in mind, if you know for certain that your membership has expired you can always visit and click the join now button. Our team will be able to find your previous information to make sure that your membership years stay intact.
The important thing to keep in mind is our communities and the role that our local councils have provided in the past and will continue to provide for the future. We have announcements coming in the next few weeks about programs to help our local councils in reaching out to their communities, so stay tuned.
In closing, please bear with us as we forge ahead with UCT North America and be assured that the officers of your UCT North America are doing what we can to help our members to help their communities.
David Van Order
UCT North America – Chairman of the Board